Monday, January 31, 2011

Craft vs. Art

It's tough to answer the questions of "what is craft?" and "what is fine art?", because in the past century, many peolpe have tried to challenge the meaning of art by making jsut about anything into art.

When I first think of the "craft", I think about crocheting, knitting, embroidery, beadwork.  but there are definitely some embroidery pieces that I would consider art.  My grandma used to embroidery and crochet beautiful works of art.  She did 3-d embroidery pillows where the flower petals actually stuck out from the cloth.  In fact, she would actually get mad if you sat or laid your head on the pillows, because they were for looking at.

So maybe craft is the process of making fine art.  Craft is more for things you can use, such as making pillow cases; whereas, fine art must only be looked at.  Craft is the beginning stages of art.  When we were kids finger painting or stringing cheerios to make a necklace-- we were just doing crafts.  But if you take those crafts further, put more meaning behind the pieces, then it becomes fine art.

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